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Biomass (WtE) plants: benefits, risks and prevention

NewsInsightJanuary 18, 2024
Coral Filtration Plants Wte Biomass

Biomass plants, also known as waste-to-energy or WtE plants, are one of the most innovative solutions for managing the disposal of certain types of solid waste while simultaneously producing energy from renewable sources. In a nutshell, the process results in the combustion of organic materials to generate heat or electricity. In this in-depth discussion, we will explore in depth what biomass plants are, their purpose, associated benefits, health risks, and how these risks can be effectively prevented.

What are biomass plants

The United Nations estimates that 1,700 biomass plants are operating in the world today, in response to an annual waste generation of more than 2 billion tons at present, which could exceed 3.4 billion in the next three decades.
Faced with such figures, it is imperative to think in a circular economy perspective, promoting recycling and the use of environmentally friendly materials, but it may not be enough.
This is where biomass plants, facilities designed to convert organic solid waste into usable energy, come in. These wastes include biomass such as wood, agricultural wastes, paper and other organic materials, including those from separate waste collection. The combustion technology is done in a controlled manner to maximize energy production and minimize environmental impacts.

What are biomass plants used for

The main purpose of biomass plants is to produce energy from renewable sources. By using organic waste, these plants help reduce dependence on nonrenewable energy sources, significantly reduce the amount of waste going to landfills, and provide a sustainable method of meeting society's energy needs.

In summary, the main benefits of using WtE plants are:

  1. Environmental sustainability: biomass plants contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional fossil fuel plants.
  2. Waste reduction: enable efficient solid waste management, reducing the amount of waste accumulation and landfill use.
  3. Renewable energy production: burning biomass generates heat or electricity, providing a renewable energy source.

Do biomass plants pose health risks?

Although biomass plants offer several benefits, it is also important to consider the potential risks to human health. Biomass combustion can produce pollutants such as fine particulate matter, nitrogen oxides and volatile organic substances, which can have adverse effects on air quality, the surrounding environment and respiratory health.

Risk prevention:

  1. Advanced combustion technologies: investing in advanced technologies can reduce harmful emissions by improving combustion efficiency.
  2. Continuous monitoring: implement air quality monitoring systems to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and the safety of the surrounding community.
  3. Choice of materials: carefully select materials for incineration, avoiding those with potential negative health impacts.
  4. Use of filtration equipment: it is important to coordinate the operation of a biomass combustion plant with an air filtration system to prevent the dispersion of pollutants and health hazards such as volatile organic compounds.

WtE plants represent a valuable resource for the transition to more sustainable energy sources. However, it is critical to consider the associated risks and take preventive measures to ensure that these plants contribute positively to the environment and public health, avoiding negative environmental and health consequences. Continued research and technological innovation to improve efficiency and reduce impacts, as well as the use of air treatment systems, will make biomass plants a key component and strategic resource for a sustainable energy future.